中英對照 – 和偏頭痛說再見 ! 了解偏頭痛的原因與改善之道 !

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相信許多人跟小編一樣,時常三不五時的頭痛也不知道原因,且有時持續的時間與頭痛強度都不盡相同,也常常因此影響到日常生活和工作,為此 CNN 說有文獻指出,特定的瑜珈可以幫助改善偏頭痛的症狀,大家是不是很好奇為什麼呢 ! 快跟著我們一起看下去吧。( WORD UP 僅負責文章翻譯,若有任何身體的不適,請前往專業醫療院所尋求治療 )


Waking up with a slight headache that becomes painful enough to hinder daily life is the experience of many who suffer from migraines.


But for those on a medication plan, adding a yoga practice to their treatment repertoire may help to reduce the intensity and frequency of those troublesome migraines, and how many pills they need to take to ease the pain, found a study published Wednesday in the journal Neurology.

有一項針對偏頭痛的研究計劃在本週三發表了一項發現,在他們的治療方法中增加瑜伽練習可能有助於減少那些麻煩的偏頭痛的強度和頻率,以及他們需要服用多少藥來緩解疼痛。 (神經病學期刊)

A migraine is an intense pulsing or throbbing pain in one area of the head that can last for up to three days, with additional symptoms of nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.


The most common trigger for migraines is stress. Because yoga is a gentle exercise that influences both body and mind, it’s been found to be effective in managing symptoms of this often debilitating condition.

偏頭痛最常見的誘因是壓力。 由於瑜伽是一種會影響身心柔和的運動,因此已發現它可以有效地緩解這種經常使人衰弱的症狀。

Migraine is one of the most common headache disorders, affecting more than 10% of people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, the condition remains insufficiently treated, the study said, and many people end up having to take time off from work or school, resulting in declining job or school performance and suffering a lower quality of life.

偏頭痛是最常見的頭痛疾病之一,影響全世界超過10%的人。 這項研究說,儘管這種病很普遍,但這種病仍然得不到充分的治療,許多人最終不得不抽出工作或上學的時間,導致工作或學校表現下降,生活品質下降。

Though medications are the first resort for treatment, only about half of migraine patients find luck with them, the study reported. For some people, medications cause negative side effects or don’t completely take away the pain, said Andrew Russo, who holds two professorships at the University of Iowa — one in molecular physiology and biophysics and another in neurology. He was not involved in the study.

該研究報導指出,儘管藥物是治療的首選手段,但只有約一半的偏頭痛患者會感到改善。 愛荷華大學擁有兩項教授職位的安德魯·魯索說 : 「對於某些人來說,藥物會帶來副作用或不能完全消除疼痛」。 (他沒有參與這項研究)

Trials of previous studies lasted only about a month, or didn’t specify the yoga type, duration or timing, the report said. Given these circumstances, authors at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi, India, studied the effectiveness of yoga in tandem with medications for people with migraines.

報告說,以前的研究僅進行了大約一個月的時間,或者沒有指明瑜伽的類型,持續時間或時間。 在這種情況下,印度新德里全印度醫學科學研究所(AIIMS)的作者研究了瑜伽與偏頭痛患者一起使用的藥物的有效性。

After a three-month yoga intervention, the participants who practiced a specific yoga module in addition to taking medications had more success in reducing migraine intensity, frequency and the amount of medication they had to take in comparison to the medication-only group.


“Yoga brings down stress, and stress is a precipitant for migraine,” said coauthor Dr. Gautam Sharma, a cardiology professor and head of the Centre for Integrative Medicine and Research (part of AIIMS). “It’s improving the mood, decreasing depression. It’s acting like one of the anti-anxiety medicines, and all of these medicines are used for migraine.”

其中一位作者,綜合醫學與研究中心(AIIMS的負責人)心臟病學教授 Gautam Sharma博士說:“瑜伽減輕了壓力,壓力是偏頭痛的誘因。” “它改善了情緒,減輕了抑鬱。它的作用就像一種抗焦慮藥,而且是針對偏頭痛。”

閱讀 BBC Future 原文:Struggling with migraines? This specific yoga routine can help, study says


🌟 migraine n. 偏頭痛

[例句] Considering the amount of stress she’s under, it’s not surprising she keeps getting migraines.

[中譯] 想想她所承受的壓力,她常常有偏頭痛也就不足為奇了。

🌟 repertoire n. (總稱某人可演出的)全部劇目,全部節目,全部曲目

[例句] The Royal Shakespeare Company also have many modern plays in their repertoire.

[中譯] 皇家莎士比亞劇團的演出劇目中也包括很多現代戲劇。

🌟 debilitate v. 使虛弱;削弱,使衰弱

[例句] Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him.

[中譯] 化療使他感到非常疲憊虛弱。

🌟 holistic adj. 整體的,全面的

[例句] My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease.

[中譯] 我的醫生採用了一種全面性的治療方法。

🌟 mindfulness n. 正念認知

[例句] Mindfulness can be used to alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression.

[中譯] 正念認知可以用來排除焦慮和憂鬱。

🌟 integrate v. (使)融入(某社會或群體);(使)成為一體

[例句] He seems to find it difficult to integrate socially.

[中譯] 他似乎覺得很難與別人打成一片。

🌟 neurology n. 神經學;神經病學

(例句來源:Cambridge Dictionary)


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