中英對照 – 美食饗宴「2020年,亞洲最棒的餐廳!」

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中英對照 - 美食饗宴「2020年,亞洲最棒的餐廳!」


今年因為疫情的關係,影響到了很多的產業,其中餐飲業更是一個大宗,人們開始避免接觸人群而減少了外食的次數,但美食當前的誘惑,實在是很難避免阿,為了防疫大家要一起努力!然後最近公佈了亞洲最佳的50間餐廳,而這個活動從原本的實體頒獎典禮,改為線上直播進行,取而代之的是更安全的互動方式!而本次拔得頭籌的是來自新加坡的餐廳「Odette」,他們已經連續兩年拔得頭籌了,真的是相當的厲害!趕快跟著 WORD UP 一起來看看 CNN 怎麼介紹的吧!


It’s a difficult time for the restaurant industry, as lockdowns around the world prevent people from dining out in the way they usually would.


But perhaps there’s no better moment to celebrate the best-of-the-best in the hospitality world — and add some must-visit foodie spots to our future travel lists.


Asia’s 50 best restaurants were announced Tuesday — a planned ceremony was abandoned in favor of a safer, virtual event that was live-streamed across the region.


The Oscars of fine dining in Asia saw swanky Singaporean restaurant Odette clinch the top spot for the second year running.


Headed up by chef Julien Royer, Odette, located in Singapore’s National Gallery, won plaudits for its Asian-inspired modern French cuisine.

由廚師 Julien Royer 率領的 Odette 位於新加坡國家美術館,以其亞洲風格的現代法國美食而倍受讚譽。

“We take this ray of light with gratitude,” Royer said in a statement posted to the restaurant’s Instagram page.

Royer 在餐廳的 Instagram 頁面上發布的聲明中說:“我們對此充滿感激。”

“Our hearts are with our peers in the industry who are working tirelessly everyday to continue serving. We pray for better times ahead and will continue to do all we can to look out for one another.”


Notable appearances
Den in Tokyo is number 3 on this new list of Asia’s best restaurants. (Photo by Shinichiro Fujii on CNN)

Unlike several of the restaurants on the list, Odette’s currently still open — although there are temperature screenings and travel declaration checks taking place at entrances to the National Gallery.

與名單上的其他家餐廳不同,Odette 目前仍在營業,但他們已在入口處設置了體溫檢查和旅行申報檢查,儘管餐廳位在國家美術館。

The restaurant is famed for signature dishes like Normandy brown crab with wasabi oil and Nashi pear, and a Kampot pepper-crusted pigeon.


閱讀 CNN Travel 原文:These are Asia’s best restaurants for 2020


🌟 lockdown n.(建築或地區)因緊急情況而被封鎖了

[例句] The Secret Service is imposing a virtual lockdown on the city.

[中譯] 特勤局實質上把整個城市都封鎖了。

🌟 hospitality n.(待客用的)食物,飲料;招待,款待

[例句] The company’s guests are entertained in the corporate hospitality area.

[中譯] 該公司的客人在團體招待區內受到了款待。

🌟 plaudit n. 讚揚

[例句] Her performance won plaudits from the critics.

[中譯] 她的表演贏得了評論家的讚賞。

🌟 Notable adj. 顯要的;顯著的;值得注意的

[例句] Getting both sides to agree was a notable achievement.

[中譯] 使雙方達成共識是一項顯著的成就。

(例句來源:Cambridge Dictionary)

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