中英對照-五個增進 心理健康 的方法

本系列文章,由「 WORD UP 聰明學習 」編輯審核。聰明學習專注於利用 AI 提升亞洲人的語言學習效率。


對於這個世代的人們來說,生活容易過得很艱難,因為我們生活在這個世代的大環境裡有太多的不安定因素影響著我們。像是人生中的各種意外與變動、意見分歧的世界、網路環境的酸言酸語,或是環境變遷的議題與全球疫情,一再再都可能讓我們憂心忡忡或是經歷低潮期,而太多的刺激可能就會影響到我們心理健康的層面開始出現問題。因此從2020開始,或許你該開始培養一些好習慣或是學習一些方法來預防勝於治療,學會這些方法不但可以增強心理的抗壓性,也能在你的好朋友走不出陰鬱的時候給他指出一條光明路好對抗負面情緒。跟著WORD UP一起閱讀CNN文章吧!

Practice optimism

(攝影師:Kat Jayne,連結:Pexels)

The studies are positive: Looking on the bright side of life really is good for you. Optimists have a 35% less chance of having a heart attack or stroke, are more likely to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, have stronger immune systems; and even live longer. In fact, a 2019 study found people with the most positive outlook had the greatest odds of living to 85 or beyond.





Start volunteering

(攝影師:Marta Ortigosa,連結:Pexels)

A prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi tell us, “It is in giving that we receive.”

Turns out he was scientifically right. Studies have shown that putting the well-being of others before our own without expecting anything in return, or what is called being altruistic, stimulates the reward centers of the brain. Those feel-good chemicals flood our system, producing a sort of “helper’s high.”






Be grateful

(攝影師:VisionPic .net,連結:Pexels)

We heard a lot about the benefits of thankfulness in the last decade, and that is backed by science: Counting our blessings protects us against anxiety and depression and boosts optimism. Need more proof? Middle-schoolers who practiced gratitude exercises had less problem behavior. (Did you read that, parents of adolescents?)





Bolster your social connections


“People who are more socially connected to family, to friends, to community, are happier, they’re physically healthier, and they live longer than people who are less well connected,” said Harvard psychiatrist Robert Waldinger in his popular TEDx talk.

The proof for this comes from the Harvard Study of Adult Development, which tracked 724 Boston men for more than 75 years and then began following more than 2,000 of their offspring and wives.



「人們與家人、朋友、社會有較緊密的連結會比較快樂,他們身體也會比較健康」—哈佛心理醫生羅伯特·J·沃定格在他受歡迎的TEDx talk中說道。



Find your purpose


Finding a sense of purpose contributes greatly to well-being and a longer, happier life, experts tell CNN.

University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman, who co-founded the field of positive psychology, says a sense of purpose will come from being part of something bigger than ourselves. He points to religion, family, and social causes as ways to increase meaning in our lives. (See No. 2 on volunteering.)





閱讀CNN Health 原文:


🌟 optimism 樂觀;樂觀主義

[例句] There was a note of optimism in his voice as he spoke about the company’s future.

[中譯] 談到公司的未來,他語氣裡帶著樂觀情緒。


🌟 outlook 觀點,看法

[例句] He has a fairly positive outlook on life.

[中譯] 他的人生觀相當積極。



🌟 attribute 將(某種特質)歸屬於(某人);認為(某人)有(某種特性)

[例句] I wouldn’t dream of attributing such a lack of judgment to you.

[中譯] 我做夢也想不到你會如此缺乏判斷力。



🌟 altruistic利他的,無私心的

[例句] I doubt whether her motives for donating the money are altruistic – she’s probably looking for publicity.

[中譯] 我懷疑她捐錢的動機是否出於無私——很可能是沽名釣譽罷了。


🌟 anxiety 焦慮,不安,擔心

[例句] Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school.

[中譯] 第一天上學,孩子通常都會感到非常不安。


🌟 depression 憂鬱,沮喪

[例句] I was overwhelmed by feelings of depression.

[中譯] 我萬念俱灰。


🌟 bolster 支撐;加固;提高;改善

[例句] More money is needed to bolster the industry.

[中譯] 需要更多的錢來扶持該行業。


🌟 proof 證據;證物;證明

[例句] Do they have any proof that it was Hampson who stole the goods?

[中譯] 他們有甚麼證據證明是漢普森偷了貨物?


🌟 contribute 貢獻,奉獻,捐獻(尤指錢)

[例句] Aren’t you going to contribute towards Jack’s leaving present?

[中譯] 你不打算湊一份錢給傑克買送別禮物嗎?


🌟 well-being 幸福;安康

[例句] People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.

[中譯] 練瑜伽的人內心的幸福感會不斷增強。

(例句來源:Cambridge Dictionary)

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