最佳短語動詞 – MAKE 的各種常見用法

本系列文章,由「 WORD UP 聰明學習 」編輯審核。聰明學習專注於利用 AI 提升亞洲人的語言學習效率。


因為動詞可以搭配著各種用法,甚至是成為片語,常常都使同學們相當的頭痛,那麼在這一篇文章當中,WORD UP幫大家整理出 MAKE 的各種常見用法 ,幫助大家在閱讀或寫作時,能夠更得心應手,快跟著我們一起看下去吧!

一、我們要先瞭解 MAKE 到底有哪些意思!

1. verb [ T ] – to produce something, often using a particular substance or material

2. verb [ T ] – To make a film or television programme is to direct, produce it, or act in it.

3. verb [ T ] – to cause something

4. verb [ T ] – to cause to be, to become, or to appear as

5. verb [ T ] – to perform an action

6. verb – to produce a total when added together / to calculate as
等於;合計為 / 計算;估計

7. verb –to earn or get

8. verb [ T ] informal – to arrive at or reach, especially successfully

9. verb – to succeed in getting a place in a team

10. verb [ T ] – to appear as a story in the news

11. verb [ T ] informal – to cause to be perfect

12. noun [ C ] – a type of product or the name of the company that made it


二、MAKE 有哪些常見的句型用法?


1. make sb/sth + Verb/Adj./Noun 【make + 受詞(人/物) + 原型動詞/形容詞/名詞】

範例用法①:make me cry
例句:Don’t make me cry. 別讓我哭
範例用法②:make it short
例句:Please make it short. I don’t have much time. 請快點說,我沒有太多的時間。

2. make sb/sth up【make + 受詞(人/物) + up】

釋義:為…/給… 化妝
範例用法①:made him up
例句:For the movie, they made him up as an Indian. 在這部電影中,他需要化裝成印第安人。

3. make sth into sth【make + 受詞(物) + into + 受詞(物) 】

例句:They’ve made the spare room into an office. 他們已把空置的房間改成辦公室。

4. make sth out 【make + 受詞(物) + out 】

例句:I made a cheque out for £20 to “Henry’s Stores”. 我開了一張20英鎊的支票,抬頭是「亨利超市」。

5. make sth of sth【make + 受詞(物) + of + 受詞(物) 】

例句:I think we make too much of the benefits of Western society. 我認為我們過分強調了西方社會的好處。

三、 MAKE 的各種常見用法 – 片語大集合!

1. make an effort 努力

例句:I made an effort to improve myself in singing 我努力提高自己的歌唱水平。
類似用法:make a mistake 犯下錯誤 / make an offer 提供 / make a choice 做出選擇

2. make it right 使…矯正/變好

例句:I tried to make it right. 我試圖做好它。

3. make sure 確保/確認

例句:Make sure you’re home by midnight. 確保你在午夜之前回家。

4. make a deal 做個交易/協議

例句:Is the Government willing to make a deal? 政府是否願意達成協議?

5. make sense 清楚易懂/講得通/合情理

例句:The sentence doesn’t make sense. 這一句不通。

6. make nothing of 把…不當回事

例句:I can make nothing of his words. 我不明白他的話。

7. make fun of sb. 對某人不友善並嘲笑

例句:You’re always making fun of me! 你總是嘲笑我!

8. make a fortune 發大財

例句:He made a fortune in his youth. 他年輕時便已發跡/致富。

9. make a mountain out of a molehill 小題大做

例句:Our boss made a mountain out of a molehill when he fired Wayne for making a simple mistake. 我們的老闆解僱韋恩只因為他犯了一個簡單的錯誤,根本小題大作。

10. make waves 引起麻煩或爭議,尤其是影響情況發展的麻煩或爭議。

例句:It’s probably not a good idea to start making waves in your first week in a new job. 在新工作的第一週引起動盪可能不是一個好主意。


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