Send 和 Deliver 差別是什麼?搞懂寄信、郵寄包裹的正確英文用法!

你知道 Send 和 Deliver 的差別是什麼嗎?

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你知道 Send 和 Deliver 的差別是什麼嗎?

Send 和 Deliver 在中文的意思上,都有”寄送、發送…等”的意思,到底是該用 “send a letter” 還是 “deliver a letter” 呢? WORD UP 分別幫大家整理出了這兩個單字在 劍橋字典 – Cambridge Dictionary、朗文字典 Longman Dictionary,和韋伯字典 Webster’s Dictionary 上的單字解釋和單字釋意,快跟著我們一起來看看吧!

Send – 單字解釋

劍橋字典:to cause something to go from one place to another, especially by post or email
朗文字典:to arrange for something to go or be taken to another place, especially by post
韋伯字典:to cause (a letter, an e-mail, a package, etc.) to go or to be carried from one place or person to another

從劍橋字典和朗文字典來看,Send 多用於郵件或電子郵件的寄送。而韋伯字典除了郵件和電子郵件,還有包裹的部分。共通點的部分在於接收者,可以是地方或者是人。


劍橋字典:I’ll send her a postcard next week. 我下週要寄明信片給她。
朗文字典:I’ll send a copy to you. 我將寄一份備份給你。
韋伯字典:Supplies were sent (out) to the troops. 補給品已送出給了部隊。

Deliver – 單字解釋

劍橋字典:to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people’s houses or places of work
朗文字典:to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person
韋伯字典:to take (something) to a person or place

從劍橋字典和朗文字典來看,Deliver 可用於商品/貨物/信件/包裹…等的寄送。而韋伯字典的範疇較廣,而共通點在於,寄送的對象可以是地方,也可以是人。


劍橋字典:The furniture store is delivering our new bed on Thursday. 傢俱行會在週四把我們的新床送來。
朗文字典:I’m having some flowers delivered for her birthday. 我要送一些花來慶祝她的生日。
韋伯字典:The supermarket delivers groceries for free within 30 miles of the store. 這間超市在距離30英里內的範圍都有提供免費的寄送雜貨服務。

讓我們一起來看看 WikiDiff 針對 Send 和 Deliver 是怎麼解釋的吧? 是專門用來比較單字差異的網站,而在該網站中,將 Send 和 Deliver 的差別解釋為:
As verbs the difference between send and deliver is that send is to make something (such as an object or message) go from one place to another while deliver is to set free.

意旨 Sent 多半為物體和訊息的寄送,且為從一地至另一地的寄送,然而 Deliver 的使用上,就相對自由沒有那麼的狹隘了。

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