中英對照 – 辛普森家庭又再次預言了 COVID-19?

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辛普森家庭預言過非常多的事情這一件事大家應該都有聽聞過,像是川普當選總統、美國聯合航空強拖亞裔乘客下機…等諸如此類的事件,而現在大家更發現在 1993 年時,辛普森家庭似乎預言了新型冠狀病毒的事件。是不是令人毛骨悚然呢?到底是巧合又或者是?快點跟著 WORD UP 一起看看 CNN 怎麼說吧!


“The Simpsons” have continued their streak of being our pop culture Nostradamus.

“辛普森家庭”繼續成為我們流行文化的諾斯特拉達姆士 (法國籍猶太裔預言家,西元 1503-1566)。

Fox’s long-running animated series — actually the longest running in history — has an episode from 1993 which appears to foreshadow 2020 with the pandemic and “murder hornets.”

辛普森家庭,Fox 長期播放的動畫系列 – 實際上是歷史上運行時間最長的 – 1993年有一集似乎預言著 2020 年的新冠病毒大流行和“殺人大黃蜂”。

Titled “Marge in Chains” the season 4 episode features a sick Asian worker sneezing on a shipment of juicers that many of the residents of Springfield wish to purchase, which kicks off an “Osaka Flu” outbreak.

標題為“Marge in Chains”的第4季節目中,一名患病的亞洲工人在許多春田市居民希望購買的榨汁機上打了噴嚏,這引發了“大阪流感”的爆發。

As people panic they knock over a truck they think has the cure, but instead demolish a crate marked “Killer Bees” which then swarm.


Earlier this week, scientists said they had spotted Asian giant hornets — also known as murder hornets — in Washington state, and it’s still unknown how they got there. The world’s largest hornet can kill a human just by stinging a few times.


One of the episode’s writers, Bill Oakley, initially told The Hollywood Reporter back in March that he didn’t like the Internet pointing to the episode as a predictor of the pandemic saying, “I don’t like it being used for nefarious purposes.”

該集的一位作家 Bill Oakley 最初在三月份告訴《好萊塢報導》,他不喜歡互聯網將這一集作為大流行流行的預言,他說:“我不喜歡將其用於邪惡目的。 ”

“The idea that anyone misappropriates it to make coronavirus seem like an Asian plot is terrible,” Oakley said. “In terms of trying to place blame on Asia — I think that is gross.”

Oakley 說:“任何人挪用這一集來產生:「冠狀病毒的想法似乎是來自亞洲的陰謀」,這是可怕的。” “就試圖責怪亞洲,我認為這是有毛病的。”

But on Wednesday he conceded the similarities tweeting “ok fine i guess we did” in response to another Twitter user saying the show predicted 2020.

但是在星期三,他承認了相似之處,在推特上說“好吧,我想我們做到了”,以回應另一位 Twitter 用戶說該節目預言了 2020 年。

It’s far from the first time “The Simpsons” has been our Magic 8 ball.


Here are a few other examples of the show’s accurate squints into the future:


President Donald Trump 總統川普

In 2000, the show had an episode titled “Bart to the Future” in which it joked about Bart’s sister, Lisa, becoming president after “President Trump,” but reports that the show foresaw an image of Trump on an escalator and predicted the electoral map from his win turned out to be false.


閱讀 BBC Entertainment 原文:Another example of ‘The Simpsons’ predicting future


🌟 streak n. 一陣好運;一陣黴運

[例句] I just hope my lucky streak continues until the world championships.

[中譯] 我只是希望我的好運能延續到世界錦標賽。

🌟 swarm v. (人)蜂湧,湧動 / (昆蟲)群集,成群結隊地移動

[例句] During the summer, tourists swarm the little beachside town.

[中譯] 比賽後,成千上萬的足球迷湧進球場。

🌟 nefarious adj. (尤指活動)邪惡的,不道德的

[例句] The company’s CEO seems to have been involved in some nefarious practices/activities.

[中譯] 公司主管看來曾牽涉一些罪惡勾當。

🌟 squints n. 瞥,瞟

[例句] “The back wheel of my bike doesn’t seem straight.” “I’ll have/take a squint at it if you like.”

[中譯] 「我腳踏車的後輪好像不太正。」「如果你願意的話,我幫你看一下。」

🌟 foresee v. 預見;預知;預料

[例句] I don’t foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.

[中譯] 只要我們不超出預算,我看不出會有甚麽困難。

🌟 hornet n. 大黃蜂

(例句來源:Cambridge Dictionary)


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