『2023 最新』 托福單字大全:9 類托福必考單字與例句、獨家記憶法+新制托福單字書推薦

本系列文章,由「 WORD UP 聰明學習 」編輯審核。聰明學習專注於利用 AI 提升亞洲人的語言學習效率。


9 類托福必考單字與例句

托福考試的題材非常的廣泛,涵蓋了各種的學科與領域,在以下替大家整理出 9 類在托福考試中最常出現的單字與例句,分別有文學、歷史、演講、對話、科技、文化、教育、政治、藝術等,趕快看下去吧。


protagonist (n.) - 主角
The protagonist of the novel is a young woman who embarks on a journey of self-discovery.
plot (n.) - 情節
The plot of the story involves a group of friends who go on a camping trip and encounter a series of unexpected events.
metaphor (n.) - 隱喻
The poet uses a metaphor to describe the beauty of the sunset, comparing it to a canvas painted by a master artist.
stanza (n.) - (詩的)小節,段洛
The poem consists of five stanzas, each with its own unique rhythm and imagery.
dialogue (n.) - 對話
The dialogue between the two characters is filled with tension and conflict, highlighting their opposing views.
tragedy (n.) - 悲劇
The play is a tragedy, with the main character experiencing a series of unfortunate events that ultimately lead to their downfall.
satire (n.) - 諷刺
The comedy is filled with witty satire, poking fun at various social and cultural norms.
intimacy (n.) - 親密
The author creates a sense of intimacy between the reader and the characters, allowing us to empathize with their emotions and experiences.
Suspense (n.) - 懸疑
The mystery novel is full of suspense, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat as they try to solve the puzzle.
authenticity (n.) - 真實性
The author takes great care to maintain the authenticity of the time period, incorporating accurate historical details and language.



Imperialism (n.) - 帝國主義
The rise of European imperialism in the late 19th century led to the exploitation and oppression of many colonized peoples.
Revolution (n.) - 革命
The French Revolution of 1789 marked a turning point in European history and set the stage for the rise of democracy and nationalism.
Nationalism(n.) -民族主義
The rise of nationalism in Europe during the 19th century contributed to a series of conflicts and wars that ultimately led to World War I.
Industrial Revolution (n.)- 工業革命
The Industrial Revolution transformed the way goods were produced and led to significant social and economic changes.
Colonization (n.) - 殖民化
The colonization of the Americas by European powers led to the displacement and exploitation of indigenous peoples.
Monarchy (n.)- 君主制
The British monarchy has evolved over the centuries and today serves as a symbol of national unity and tradition.
Renaissance (n.) -文藝復興
The Renaissance had a profound impact on European culture and marked a transition from the medieval period to the modern era.
Dynasty (n.)- 王朝
The Ming Dynasty ruled China from 1368 to 1644.
Civilization (n.)- 文明
The ancient Egyptian civilization developed sophisticated systems of writing, art, and architecture.
Empire (n.) - 帝國
The Roman Empire dominated much of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East for centuries.



Persuasive (adj.)- 有說服力的
In his persuasive speech, the politician made a compelling case for his proposed policy.
Rhetoric (n.)- 雄辯言辭
The candidate's use of persuasive rhetoric during the debate helped sway many undecided voters to her side.
Diction (n.) - 措辭
The poet's careful attention to diction and imagery created a vivid and powerful description of nature.
Oratory (n.)- 演講才能;雄辯
The president's oratory skills were on full display during his inaugural address.
Eloquence (n.)- 口才
The professor's eloquence and command of the subject matter captivated his students.
Articulate (adj.)- 表達清晰
The politician was able to articulate her policy positions in a clear and concise manner.
Rebuttal (n.) - 反駁
During the debate, the candidate's rebuttal effectively undermined her opponent's argument.
Discourse (n.)- 對話
The philosopher's discourse on ethics and morality was both insightful and thought-provoking.
Oration (n.) - 演講
The valedictorian's oration at the graduation ceremony was both inspiring and memorable.
Self-assured (adj.)- 自信的
She walked onto the stage with a self-assured stride, ready to deliver her speech.



Converse (v.)- (和…)交談
It was pleasant to converse with her about the latest news in the field.
Debate (n.) - 辯論
The two candidates debated their policy differences in front of a live audience.
Rebut (v.) - 反駁
He attempted to rebut his opponent's argument by presenting counter-evidence.
Negotiate (v.)- 協商
The two parties had to negotiate a compromise in order to reach a mutually beneficial solution.
Concede(v.) - (不情願地)承認
After a lengthy debate, he finally conceded that his opponent had made a valid point.
Advocate (v.)- 提倡
She advocated for stronger environmental regulations to protect the planet.
Assert(v.) - 斷言
He asserted that his theory was backed by substantial evidence.
Clarify(v.) - 澄清
She asked for him to clarify his statement so that she could better understand his position.
Inquire (v.) - 詢問
He inquired about the availability of the product before making his purchase.
Convince (v.)- 說服
I tried to convince my friend to come with me to the concert, but she was hesitant.



Artificial intelligence (n.) - 人工智慧
The company is investing heavily in artificial intelligence to improve their customer service.
Virtual reality (n.) - 虛擬實境
The gaming industry has been using virtual reality to provide players with immersive experiences.
Blockchain (n.) - 區塊鏈
Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct financial transactions.
Internet of things (n.) - 物聯網
The internet of things has made it possible to remotely control your home's temperature and lighting from your smartphone.
Big data (n.) - 大數據
The company is using big data analytics to improve their marketing strategy.
Cybersecurity (n.) - 網路安全
Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important as more businesses rely on technology to store and process sensitive information.
Cloud computing(n.) - 雲端服務
Cloud computing has made it possible for businesses to reduce their IT infrastructure costs and increase their flexibility.
Augmented reality (n.) - 擴增實境
Augmented reality technology is being used to create more interactive and engaging educational experiences.
Machine learning (n.) - 機器學習
Machine learning is being used in a variety of fields, including healthcare and finance, to improve decision-making and efficiency.



Diversity(n.) - 多樣性
New York City is known for its cultural diversity, with people from all over the world living and working together.
Customs (n.) - 習俗
It is important to be respectful of local customs and traditions when traveling to a new country.
Heritage (n.) - 遺產
Ireland is known for its rich cultural heritage, including traditional music, dance, and literature.
Multicultural (adj) - 多元文化的
Canada is a multicultural country that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusion.
Tradition (n.) - 傳統
The Chinese New Year celebration is steeped in tradition and cultural significance.
Stereotype(n.) -刻板印象
It is important to challenge stereotypes and recognize the diversity within cultural groups.
It is important to challenge stereotypes and recognize the diversity within cultural groups.
Assimilate (v.) - (使)同化
Immigrants often face challenges as they try to assimilate into a new culture and way of life.
Taboo (n.) - 禁忌
In some cultures, it is taboo to talk about certain topics such as death or sex.
Etiquette (n.) - 禮儀
Understanding the local etiquette is important when conducting business in different cultures.
Xenophobia (n.) - 仇外心理
Xenophobia can lead to discrimination and prejudice towards people who are perceived as different.



Pedagogy (n.) - 教學法
The school is implementing new pedagogies to better engage students in their learning.
Curriculum (n.)- 課程
The curriculum for this program includes a wide range of topics related to business and management.
Prerequisite (n.) - 先決條件
The prerequisite for this advanced math course is a strong understanding of algebra and trigonometry.
Assessment (n.) - 評估;評定
The teacher used a variety of assessments, including quizzes and essays, to measure student learning.
Plagiarism (n.) - 抄襲;剽竊
Plagiarism is a serious offense in academia and can result in failing grades or even expulsion.
Pedantic (adj.) - 賣弄學問的
The professor's lectures were often criticized as pedantic and difficult to follow.
Didactic (adj.) - 說教的;教訓式的
The novel was criticized for its didactic tone, which overshadowed the story and characters.
Aptitude (n.) - 天賦;天資
The student showed an aptitude for mathematics and was placed in an advanced course.
Remedial (adj) - 補救的
The school offers remedial courses in reading and writing to help students improve their skills.
Tenure (n.) - 任期;終身職位
After several years of teaching, the professor was granted tenure and became a permanent member of the faculty.



Democracy (n.) - 民主
The United States is a democracy that values individual rights and freedoms.
Authoritarian (adj.) -獨裁主義
The authoritarian regime in China has been criticized for its lack of transparency and suppression of dissent.
Diplomacy (n.) - 外交
The diplomat's skillful diplomacy helped to avoid a potential international conflict.
Sovereignty (n.) - 主權
The country's sovereignty was threatened by the invasion from a neighboring state.
Ideology (n.) - 意識形態
The Communist Party of China promotes an ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Populism(n.) - 民粹主義
The rise of populism in Europe has led to increased support for far-right political parties.
Lobbying (v.) - 遊説
The oil industry's lobbying efforts have been criticized for their impact on climate policy.
Censorship (n.) - 審查制度
Censorship is a controversial issue, with some arguing it is necessary for protecting national security while others see it as a violation of freedom of speech and expression.
Partisanship (n.) -黨派性
The issue has become a victim of partisan politics, with each side refusing to compromise.



Aesthetics (n.) - 美學Aesthetics play an important role in the design of architecture and interior spaces.
Iconic (adj.) - 標誌性的The Eiffel Tower is an iconic symbol of Paris and one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world.
Prodigy (n.) - 神童
Mozart was a musical prodigy, composing his first piece at the age of five.
Masterpiece (n.) -傑作
Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Renaissance art.
Genre (n.) - 類型
Science fiction is a popular genre of literature and film that often explores futuristic or imaginative themes.
Surreal (adj.) -超現實的
Salvador Dali was known for his surreal paintings, which often featured melting clocks and distorted images.
Impressionism(n.) - 印象派
Claude Monet was a prominent impressionist painter, known for his series of water lily paintings.
Choreography (n.) -編舞藝術;舞蹈設計
The choreography in the Broadway musical was praised for its creativity and energy.
Sculpture (n.) - 雕塑
Michelangelo's sculpture of David is one of the most famous works of Renaissance art.
Improvisation (n.) - 即興表演
Jazz musicians often incorporate improvisation into their performances, adding a unique and unpredictable element to their music.





舉例來說,”-able”表示“能夠”的意思(Ex: dependable 能夠信任的),像是”tele-“表示“遠程” 的意思(Ex: telescope望遠鏡),”bio-“表示“生物”的意思 (Ex: biology 生物學)。通過學習詞根詞綴,可以更快地理解和記憶新的單詞。

不知道該從何下手的可以參考 學會,單字量無上限!用字根字首破解英文單字!讓你用最短的時間,最有效率地學習。




舉例來說,如果你正在學習 “B” 字母開頭的單字,你可以將 “basic” 和 “beginner” 列為基礎單字,將 “benefit” 和 “benevolent” 列為進階單字,而 “bellicose” 和 “belligerent” 列為高級單字。

如果時間緊急,沒有辦法建立自己的單字表也沒關係,怪物講師教學團隊的TOEFL iBT托福「單字」+「文法」幫你依照真實托福考試出現的頻率整理出最常考的托福單字與文法,趕快去買吧!










  • 依據真實考試出現頻率排出重要程度
  • 針對單字特殊用法提醒
  • 供音檔下載 QR 碼,方便學習者聽取單字發音。
  • 對各領域專有名詞都有介紹
  • 提供讀書計畫
  • 每個單字、片語皆提供例句


  • 內容豐富、複雜不適合抱佛腳的學生
  • 部分例句過於簡單,可能需要自行補充




  • 獨門記憶系統,讓學生可以有系統地學習和記憶單字。
  • 提供 MP3 音檔下載和搭配詞近義字卡線上下載,方便學習者聽取單字發音和學習單字的搭配詞和近義字。
  • 涵蓋托福考試中較為常見和重要的單字。
  • 提供的練習題和詞彙測驗,讓大家讀完可以馬上測驗


  • 單字量過少,對於想追求高分的人略顯不足
  • 單字解釋、例句過於精簡
  • 練習題過於單調
  • 記憶法未必適合每個人




  • 多元化學習方式,用歸納聯想方式學習單字
  • 口袋書大小,走到哪學到哪
  • 相似詞、相關詞、延伸、一字多義、單字聯想、單字家族 一次包辦


  • 口袋書大小,內容相對有限,需要額外補充
  • 缺乏詳細解釋,對於詞彙解釋相對簡略,可能須額外學習

托福單字書推薦四:TOEFL iBT托福分類字彙 [增訂版] (附MP3)



  • 依照各學科分類整理單字,多達 5600 個高頻單字
  • 提供各領域學術類文章,讓你各領域都精通
  • 提供音檔讓你走到哪、聽到哪


  • 翻譯不佳
  • 提供資訊過多,不適合短時間備考者


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