『英文文法』習慣英文怎麼說?|Used to 用法 vs Be used to vs Get used to 用法差在哪一次看!

本系列文章,由「 WORD UP 聰明學習 」編輯審核。聰明學習專注於利用 AI 提升亞洲人的語言學習效率。


Used to 用法

Used to 是用表示過去某個時間經常發生的動作、狀態、習慣,但在現在已經不再持續存在的情況,它通常用來描述過去的事物,暗示這種情況在現在已經改變或停止了。

使用 “used to” 時,動詞的形式為動詞原形,就是不需要加上動詞的過去式或過去分詞。

3 種 used to 常用情形

Used to 用於肯定句


I used to go jogging every morning.


She used to live in London, but now she’s in Paris.


We used to play hide and seek when we were kids.


Used to 用於否定句


He didn’t use to drink coffee, but now he loves it.


They didn’t use to have a car, so they walked everywhere.


Used to 用於疑問句


  • Did you use to play the piano when you were younger?


  • Did your parents use to live in this city?


⚠️ used to 通常用於描述已經過去的狀態或行為,而不適用於目前正在持續的情況,如果要描述現在的習慣或行為,應該使用現在式。

⚡ 人們也會使用 “would” 來替代 “used to”,但 “used to” 更常見且正式。

英文文法:be used to 

be used to 是一個表示習慣、熟悉或適應某事物的片語,它用來描述一個人在過去經驗過、經常處於或已經適應的情況或事物

2 種 be used to 用法

be used to + 名詞/動名詞



I am used to waking up early in the morning.


She is used to the noise in the city because she grew up there.


They are used to working long hours during busy seasons.


be used to + 動詞的ing形式



She is used to swimming in the ocean every morning.


They are used to driving on the left side of the road.


He is used to dealing with difficult customers.


💡“be used to” 是用來描述過去的經驗或習慣,而不是正在發生的事情,如果要描述正在適應或習慣中的事情,可以使用 “getting used to”,例如:”I am getting used to the new job.”

❗❗易混淆點:”used to” 單獨使用時,表示「過去習慣做某事,但現在不再做」,例如:”I used to play the piano when I was younger.”

Get used to 用法

get used to 是一個英文片語,用來表示習慣於某種情況、環境、或行為,這個片語的結構是
get used to + 名詞/動名詞,它表示經過一段時間的適應或習慣之後,人們開始感覺自己已經能夠輕鬆應對該情況或行為。

5 大 get used to 情境|範例


I recently moved to a new city, and it took me a few weeks to get used to the fast pace of life here.



It took me a while to get used to my new job responsibilities, but now I feel more confident in my role.



After going vegetarian, it took me some time to get used to cooking meals without meat.



He had never played the piano before, but he practiced every day and eventually got used to playing it.



At first, the weather in this country was difficult to handle, but I’ve gotten used to the extreme temperatures.


Used to vs be used to vs get used to 大比較

⚠️used to 強調過去的習慣或情況已經不再存在,”be used to” 強調目前已經習慣某種情況,而 “get used to” 強調逐漸適應新情況的過程。⚠️





  • 掌握 10 大文法概念
  • 一堂搞定多益、學測考試最常考的文法重點
  • 先理解簡單句型 再用複雜句型練習
  • 用國際新聞舉例 直接應用在生活中
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