
本系列文章,由「 WORD UP 聰明學習 」編輯審核。聰明學習專注於利用 AI 提升亞洲人的語言學習效率。


你是否有在泡澡時有裸露的欲望呢?如果你有一點裸露癖,Strawberry Park或許是你很好的去處!想像在夜晚中泡浴,周圍白雪皚皚,溫泉的熱氣在眼前裊裊升起,全身的筋骨在泉水中好像被一一疏通,這真是人生的一大享受!但是在這裡要小心晚上可能會遇到全裸的陌生人喔,別怕!你不是遇到曝露狂啦,這個景點最有趣的地方就是在晚上泡溫泉的時候,衣物是可以選擇性不穿的,而在夜晚期間小朋友的活動會被管制,所以帶小孩來的爸媽們也不必擔心小朋友會看到不該看的東西(?。如果想嘗試這個新奇體驗的朋友們,裸露在這裡是合法的,而且又可以帶全家大小一起來遊玩,何樂而不為。跟著WORD UP一起閱讀CNN文章吧!

(圖片來源:Strawberry Hot Springs)

A small mountain town known for its ski resort and multiple springs, Steamboat got its name from one spring that once sounded like a steamboat steam engine. Local folklore says that construction of the railroad in the early 1900s silenced the steamboat sound.

But once the sun dips below the snow-capped mountains and everything goes dark, you can slither out of your suit.



“That’s something that we hope to only see — or not see — after dark,” Joe Stepan, Strawberry Park’s general manager, told CNN Travel. “The nighttime hours come around, we make sure there are no kids around, and it [clothing] is totally optional.”

The property doesn’t have any specific numbers on how often the laid-back policy is taken advantage of, “but it is approved of,” Stepan says.

「那是我們唯一希望看到的—或是不要看到—在晚上」Strawberry Park的總經理Joe Stepan這樣告訴CNN Travel,「當夜晚時間將近,我們會確保沒有小孩在附近,而衣服是完全非必需的。」這個特殊的規則並沒有實際的數字計算這項隨意的政策多常被使用,「但它是被同意的」Stepan說道。


Keeping it natural 融合大自然景觀

(圖片來源:Strawberry Hot Springs)

Even though clothes are required during the day, the all-natural theme is evident in the park’s stone-built pools, walls and wooden railings.

“We want to keep the rustic atmosphere. We want people to be able to enjoy the hot springs as if they were in the natural environment somewhere out in the middle of the woods.”



It’s all built tucked into the top of the valley surrounded by snow-covered aspens and fir trees.

“We’ve got 40 acres here that happens to have some of the best hot springs around, and we have developed a park in a very minimalistic fashion,” Stepan says.

Every building on the property, built out of wood and stone, blends into the valley.

Strawberry Park就建在山谷的頂端,周邊有被雪覆蓋的山楊跟杉樹包圍。




If you plan on staying to soak disrobed at night, make sure to bring a flashlight, as the place has hardly any artificial lights.

The surrounding snow dampens most of the ambient noise.

The only thing you hear, as you immerse yourself in the warm water, is the water cascading down the series of pools from the top of the springs to the creek bed below.



閱讀CNN Health 原文:


🌟 resort 渡假勝地;旅遊勝地

[例句] My family went to a beach resort last summer vacation.

[中譯] 我的家人去年暑假到海灘度假勝地遊玩。


🌟 silence 使安靜;使沈默

[例句] The teacher raised his voice to silence the class.

[中譯] 老師提高嗓門讓學生們安靜下來。


🌟 dip 涮,浸,蘸

[例句] She dipped her toe into the pool to see how cold it was.

[中譯] 她把腳趾伸到游泳池裡試試水有多涼


🌟 slither 蜿蜒而行,曲折滑行

[例句] She watched the snake slither away.

[中譯] 她看著蛇滑走了。


🌟 optional 可選擇的;非強制的

[例句] English is compulsory for all students, but art and music are optional.

[中譯] 英語是所有學生的必修課,而藝術和音樂則是選修的。


🌟 laid-back 輕鬆的,悠閒的,不著急的

[例句] I’ve never seen her worried or anxious in any way – she’s so laid-back.

[中譯] 我從未見她著過急——她總是這樣不慌不忙的。


🌟 evident 顯然易見的;明白的,明顯的

[例句] The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.

[中譯] 直到第二日早上,人們才全面了解到破壞程度有多嚴重。


🌟 rustic 粗製的;鄉村的,鄉村特色的;質樸的

[例句] The property has a certain rustic charm.

[中譯] 這座宅院有種迷人的田園風情


🌟 dampen 使潮濕;把…弄潮;使受潮

[例句] Rain had dampened the tent so we left it to dry in the afternoon sun.

[中譯] 雨水打濕了帳篷,午後我們把它放到太陽底下曬。


🌟 ambient 周圍的;(尤指)周圍環境條件的

[例句] ambient conditions/lighting/noise/temperature

[中譯] 周圍環境/光線/噪音/溫度

(例句來源:Cambridge Dictionary)

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