『小吃英文』3 分鐘學會美食英文單字&句子&形容詞怎麼說!|台灣小吃英文總整理

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民以食為天,吃飯佔了人一生中很大的一部分,那麼美食有那麼多種,究竟要怎麼用英文來表達自己想要的是哪種呢?別擔心!本篇 WORD UP 替大家整理出美食的不同說法、小吃英文要怎麼講,以及常用來形容食物的形容詞有哪些,都為大家一一解釋了,趕快看下去吧!除此之外,在先前 WORD UP 也撰寫了一些生活主題的英文,像是 2023 英文 podcast 推薦10 種拒絕英文說法。

10 種美食英文單字&句子

美食英文:Food – 食物


例句:I love trying new types of food from different cultures.


特色美食英文:Cuisine – 烹飪、菜餚


例句:French cuisine is famous for its delicate flavors and rich sauces.


美食英文:Dish – 菜餚


例句:The seafood paella is a famous Spanish dish.


美食英文:Delicacy – 美食、佳餚 


例句:Eating fresh truffles is considered a culinary delicacy.


美食英文:Culinary delights – 烹飪的愉悅


例句:Visiting Italy allowed us to experience the culinary delights of pasta and pizza.


美食英文:Gastronomic delight –  美食的樂趣 


例句:The Michelin-starred restaurant provided a gastronomic delight with its exquisite tasting menu.(這家米其林星級餐廳以其精緻的品嚐菜單帶來了美食的樂趣。)

美食英文:Edible – 可食用的 


例句:The berries in the garden are edible and can be used in desserts.


美食英文:Fare – 飲食  


例句:Traditional Indian fare often includes a variety of flavorful spices.


美食英文:Gourmet food – 美食、高級食品 


例句:The restaurant is known for serving gourmet food with top-quality ingredients.


美食家英文:gourmet- 美食家

例句:He is a true gourmet, with a high demand for the quality and uniqueness of food, constantly seeking rare ingredients and cooking techniques to enrich his feasts.



Bubble Tea 珍珠奶茶Braised Pork Rice滷肉飯
Stinky Tofu臭豆腐Castella Cake古早味蛋糕
Beef Noodle牛肉麵Osmanthus cake桂花糕
Oyster Omelette 蚵仔煎Iron Egg鐵蛋
Scallion Pancake蔥油餅Peanut Ice Cream Roll花生捲冰淇淋
Pineapple Cake 鳳梨酥Chinese omelet蛋餅
Xiao Long Bao小籠包Oyster Vermicelli 蚵仔麵線
Taiwanese Sausage 台灣香腸Tangyuan 湯圓
Three-Cup Chicken 三杯雞Shaved Ice 刨冰
Fried Chicken Cutlet炸雞排Wheel pies 車輪餅
Mochi麻糬Pork ball貢丸
Coffin Bread棺材板Sticky Rice Dumplings 碗粿
Turnip Cake蘿蔔糕Salted Crispy Chicken鹽酥雞
Milkfish Porridge虱目魚粥Stir-Fried Water Spinach炒空心菜
Taro Ball芋圓Milkfish Soup 虱目魚羹
Taiwanese meatballs肉圓Cuttlefish Balls墨魚丸
Rice Vermicelli米粉Rice Ball 飯糰
Pork Liver Soup豬肝湯Sweet Potato Balls 地瓜球
Pineapple Shrimp Ball 鳳梨蝦球Black Sugar Bubble Tea黑糖珍珠奶茶
Aiyu Jelly愛玉冰Fried Taro Balls芋泥球
Duck Tongue 鴨舌Taiwanese braised dish滷味

美食英文:10 個品嚐美食英文形容詞

Mouthwatering- 令人垂涎欲滴的

例句:The mouthwatering sight of the sizzling steak made my stomach growl with hunger.


Flavorful – 風味濃郁的

例句:he flavorful spices in the curry added depth to the dish’s taste. 


Delectable – 美味可口的

例句:After a long day of hiking, we enjoyed a delectable meal at the local restaurant. 


Savory – 鮮美的

例句:The savory aroma of the simmering stew filled the kitchen.

Scrumptious – 美味的

例句:We couldn’t resist trying the scrumptious desserts displayed in the bakery. 


Appetizing – 開胃的

例句:The appetizing colors and presentation of the sushi made it even more tempting.


Luscious – 美味的

例句:The luscious chocolate cake melted in my mouth, leaving a delightful taste. 


Divine – 絕妙的

例句:The divine combination of flavors in the dish was a culinary masterpiece. 


Succulent – 多汁的

例句:The succulent meat of the grilled chicken was perfectly seasoned. 


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