近期 MeToo 事件沸沸揚揚,有許多勇敢的受害者站出來指控性騷擾的行為,那麼大家知道拒絕的英文有哪些說法嗎?趕快看下去吧!除了拒絕英文以外,WORD UP 在先前也撰寫了生活英文單字、會話懶人包、英文寫作指南 等文章,有興趣的人也歡迎點開來看呦!
拒絕英文:10 種拒絕片語/例句
Turn someone/something down | 拒絕某人/某事 | Refuse point-blank | 斷然拒絕 |
Give a negative response | 給予否定的回答 | Take a pass | 放棄(機會) |
Decline (an offer) | 拒絕提議 | Have no interest | 沒有興趣 |
Say no | 拒絕 | Reject (something/ a proposal) | 拒絕... |
Stand (one's) ground | 堅決拒絕 | Draw the line | 劃清界線 |
拒絕英文片語:Turn someone/something down – 拒絕某人/某事
The company turned down his proposal to implement a new marketing strategy.
拒絕英文片語:Give a negative response – 給予否定的回答
When asked if he could work overtime, he gave a negative response.
拒絕英文片語:Decline (an offer) – 拒絕提議
She declined the invitation to attend the conference due to scheduling conflicts.
拒絕英文片語:Say no – 拒絕
He had to say no to the job offer because it didn’t align with his career goals.
拒絕英文片語:Stand (one’s) ground – 堅決拒絕
Despite the pressure from his friends, he stood his ground and said no to their request.
拒絕英文片語:Refuse point-blank – 斷然拒絕
When offered a cigarette, she refused point-blank, stating that she quit smoking.
拒絕英文片語:Take a pass – 放棄(機會)
He decided to take a pass on joining the hiking trip due to his fear of heights.
拒絕英文片語:Have no interest – 沒有興趣
She had no interest in attending the party and decided to stay home.
拒絕英文片語:Reject (something/ a proposal) – 拒絕…
The board of directors rejected the proposal to acquire a competitor company.
拒絕英文片語:Draw the line – 劃清界線
When it comes to borrowing money from friends, I’m willing to help, but I have to draw the line at lending large sums.
拒絕英文:5 個拒絕單字
Decline | Reject | Refuse | Dismiss | Deny |
拒絕、謝絕 | 拒絕接受、拒收、不錄用 | 拒絕、回絕、拒絕接受 | 對…不予理會、(從頭腦中)去除 | 否認、否定、不允許;剝奪;拒絕 |
Decline 拒絕、謝絕
- I had to decline the invitation to the party because I had other plans.
Reject 拒絕接受、拒收、不錄用
- The company decided to reject my job application due to lack of experience.
Refuse 拒絕、回絕、拒絕接受
- The child refused to eat her vegetables and asked for dessert instead.
Dismiss 對…不予理會、(從頭腦中)去除
- The teacher dismissed the student’s excuse for not completing the homework.
Deny 否認、否定、不允許;剝奪;拒絕
- The bank denied my loan application because of my poor credit history.
5 種委婉拒絕英文說法
委婉拒絕英文說法 一 :我感謝…. 但我暫時無法…..
Ex: I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to commit at this time.
委婉拒絕英文說法 二:抱歉…. 因為能力關係我無法承擔
Ex: I’m sorry, but I’m currently not available to take on any additional responsibilities.
委婉拒絕英文說法 三:我希望我可以,但因為…. 現在無法
Ex: I wish I could, but unfortunately, it’s not feasible for me at this time.
委婉拒絕英文說法 四:謝謝您想到我,但因為… 我無法….
Ex: Thank you for thinking of me, but I have other obligations that prevent me from participating.
委婉拒絕英文說法 五:感謝您的邀請,但因為先前… 我無法….
Ex: I’m honored that you asked, but I must decline due to prior commitments.
3 種商業拒絕信英文用法
商業拒絕信英文用法 一:取消合作
After careful consideration, we have decided not to proceed with the proposed partnership. We appreciate your enthusiasm and efforts, but we believe it is in the best interest of both parties to explore other opportunities.
商業拒絕信英文用法 二:拒絕提案
We regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed with your proposal at this time. After careful consideration, we have determined that it does not align with our current business objectives.
商業拒絕信英文用法 三:未錄取 感謝信
We regret to inform you that your application for the position has not been successful. Although you possess valuable skills and experience, we have identified other candidates whose qualifications more closely match the requirements of the role.
大家常覺得英文口說要說得流利,需要大量豐富的字彙,但其實只需要國中等級的單字,搭配正確的方法,在上完短短的 5 小時課程後,就能夠讓你的口說像母語者一樣流利!
- 不用背單字/ 用簡單國中單字就能像母語者一樣說英文口說
- 職場適用:運用職場各種可能發生的情境來教口說 從履歷面試到簡報都囊括
- 達成目標(完成聽、說練習)返現 1000 元
- 不僅限於職場,日常社交也適用
- 搭配 app 進行聽力 and 錄音練習
- 短時間就能提升口說能力 (5 小時課程)