1. When Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen heard about a mysterious new virus infecting the citizens of Wuhan in December last year, she immediately ordered all planes arriving from Wuhan to be inspected. She then set up an epidemic command center, ramped up production of personal protective equipment such as face masks and restricted all flights from mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.
inspect (v.) 檢查;審視
- 同義字:check, scrutinize
epidemic (n.) (疾病的)流行,傳染
- 同義字:outbreak, infection
- 補充用法:epidemic command center 傳染病指揮中心
ramp up (v. phr.) 增加,增多
- 同義字:rise, increase
2. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with a doctorate in quantum chemistry, has seen her approval ratings soar due to her capable handling of the pandemic. Germany has the most intensive care beds and the largest-scale coronavirus testing program in Europe.
chancellor (n.) (政府)大臣,總理,大法官;(大學)校長
quantum (n.) 量子
- 補充用法:quantum theory 量子理論
3. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern shut the borders to foreign visitors on March 19 and announced a four-week lockdown of the country on March 23, requiring all non-essential workers to stay at home except for grocery shopping or exercising nearby. The country has carried out widespread testing and recorded over 1,300 coronavirus cases, but only nine deaths.
- 同義字:declare, proclaim
- 補充用法:人+announce that + S.+V. (某人)宣布某事
require (v.) 要求;規定
- 同義字:demand, necessitate
4. Four of the five Nordic countries are led by women. Their countries each have lower death rates from coronavirus compared to the rest of Europe.
Nordic (adj.) 來自北歐的;北歐國家的
compare to (v. phr.) 與…相比 = compare with
- 同義字:in comparison with, in comparison to
- 補充用法:beyond compare 無與倫比;無可比擬;舉世無雙
5. It’s too early to say definitively which leaders will emerge as having taken enough of the right steps to control the spread of coronavirus — and save lives. But the examples above show that a disproportionately large number of leaders who acted early and decisively were women.
- 同義字:become known, become visible
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