『2023 新制托福口說』4 大題型範例、獨門答題技巧、托福口說高分模板+實用免費學習資源

本系列文章,由「 WORD UP 聰明學習 」編輯審核。聰明學習專注於利用 AI 提升亞洲人的語言學習效率。



托福口說題型總共可以分為 4 種,分別是獨立題 (與個人日常生活相關)、整合題(閱讀與校園有關文章+聽一段段話)、整合題 (閱讀學術文章+聽學術演講)、整合題 (聽學術演講),在下方會替大家一一仔細介紹









From my perspective, I believe that…   從我的角度來看,我認為…

Personally, I prefer…  就我個人而言,我更喜歡…

When it comes to this topic, I have a strong opinion about…  談到這個主題,我對…有著強烈的看法…

I think it’s important to consider both sides of the argument, but ultimately, I believe that…


There are certainly arguments to be made for both sides, but I personally believe that…




Do you think college students should focus on their studies or take part in social activities?


I firmly believe that college students should focus on their studies. While social activities are important, education is the primary reason for attending college. A good education can help you achieve your goals in life and prepare you for a successful career. For example, if you spend too much time on social activities, you may not have enough time to study, and your grades may suffer. On the other hand, if you focus on your studies, you can develop the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen field.


在第二個部分整合題當中,通常會先給考生ㄧ篇與校園主題相關的文章,在看完文章後會聽一段對話,最後會給你 30 秒時間思考後,回答問題。







The reading passage discusses the topic of +(閱讀的文章主題). The author presents +(主旨).    在閱讀的文章中討論到  +(閱讀的文章主題)作者提出了(文章中提出的主要論點)

The article is about +文章主題. The author argues that 主要論點. However, the speaker in the (listening) disagrees with the author’s point of view and provides( examples to support his/her stance.)


In the reading passage, the author talks about (閱讀的文章主題) and suggests that 文章主要論點. However, the speaker in the (listening scenario) provides a different perspective on the issue and shares some new information that contradicts the author’s ideas




College students who live on campus have higher academic success rates than those who live off campus. According to a recent study, students who live in dorms or other campus housing are more likely to have higher grades and graduate on time. This may be due to the convenience of living close to classrooms, the availability of academic resources, and the social support of living among peers.


A: Hey, did you hear about the study on living on campus vs. off campus?

B: No, what did it say?

A: Apparently, students who live on campus have higher academic success rates.

B: That’s interesting. I wonder why that is.

A: The article suggests it could be because they have easier access to resources and a support network.

B: I can see that. It would be convenient to live near the library and other academic buildings.

C: I don’t agree with that study on living on campus. I lived off campus all four years and had a 3.8 GPA.

D: That’s great, but the study shows that living on campus generally leads to higher academic success rates.

C: But what about the cost? Living off campus was much cheaper for me.

D: That’s a valid point, but the study also suggests that living on campus provides a social support system that can contribute to academic success.


According to the reading passage and the conversations, what are some potential factors that contribute to higher academic success rates for college students who live on campus?


The reading passage and conversations suggest that there are several potential factors that contribute to higher academic success rates for college students who live on campus. Firstly, living in close proximity to classrooms and academic resources may provide easier access to these resources, enabling students to better keep up with their coursework. Secondly, the social support of living among peers can help students feel more connected to their academic community, which in turn can motivate them to excel academically. Lastly, while living on campus may be more expensive than living off campus, the convenience of not having to commute can give students more time to focus on their studies. Overall, the reading passage and conversations suggest that the benefits of living on campus may contribute to higher academic success rates for college students.

托福口說:整合題 (閱讀學術文章+聽學術演講)

與第二部分相似,在第三部分的整合題,通常會先給考生ㄧ篇與學術主題相關的文章,在看完文章後會聽一段學術演講,最後會給你 30 秒時間思考後,回答問題。



在閱讀文章和聽演講時,請注意其核心觀點和立場,理解它們的主要論點可以幫助你更有效地回答問題。例如,如果文章認為 A 是正確的,而演講認為 A 是錯誤的,那麼問題很可能就會詢問你對 A 的看法,你需要明確回答你同意哪一方的觀點,就像第一部分獨立題一樣要選擇明確立場不飄忽不定。



  • In contrast to A, B…  與 A 相比, B….
  • A is similar to B in [noun]…  A 和 B 在 … 方面是相似的
  • In comparison to A, B…   與 A 相比, B….
  • A and B differ in [noun]…  A 和 B 在 … 方面是不同的
  • A and B share similarities/differences in [noun]… A 和 B 在 … 方面有相似/相反之處



The reading passage and the lecture discuss [ topic], and both offer different perspectives on the issue.  文章和演講討論了(+主題),兩者對這個主題提出了截然不同的觀點。

The article talks about [topic], while the speaker in the lecture provides a counterargument and shares additional information to support his/her perspective.  文章談論到+主題,然而在演講中講者提出了一個反對意見並用了額外的訊息來支持他/她的觀點。

The passage focuses on [insert main ideas presented in the passage], and the lecture challenges some of these ideas while also adding new insights into the topic.  這篇文章專注在+文章主旨,而在演講中則挑戰了其中一些想法,同時還為這個主題增加了新的見解。



Topic: The benefits of exercise on cognitive function in older adults

According to a recent study, regular exercise can help improve cognitive function in older adults. The study found that participants who engaged in physical activity on a regular basis had better memory and attention span than those who were sedentary. The researchers suggest that exercise may promote blood flow and increase the production of certain chemicals in the brain that help with cognitive function.


Topic: The limitations of the study on exercise and cognitive function in older adults

The speaker in the lecture challenges some of the claims made in the reading passage. While the study did find a correlation between exercise and cognitive function, the speaker argues that there are limitations to the study, such as the small sample size and the fact that it was only conducted over a short period of time. The speaker also suggests that other factors, such as diet and lifestyle habits, may play a role in cognitive function as well.


Based on the reading passage and the lecture, what are some of the limitations of the study on exercise and cognitive function in older adults, and what other factors may impact cognitive function besides exercise?


The reading passage suggests that regular exercise can improve cognitive function in older adults. However, the lecture points out some limitations of the study on exercise and cognitive function in older adults, including the small sample size and the short duration of the study. In addition, the speaker suggests that other factors, such as diet and lifestyle habits, may also play a role in cognitive function. Therefore, based on the reading passage and the lecture, it is clear that there are limitations to the study’s findings and that other factors besides exercise can impact cognitive function. Further research should be conducted to better understand the relationship between exercise, lifestyle habits, and cognitive function in older adults.

托福口說:整合題 (學術演講)

在最後一部分,會先播放一段學術類型的演講,在聽完後會提供 20 秒供大家準備,才會開始回答托福口說:學術演講題答題技巧


學術演講長度動輒 1-2 分鐘若沒有將重點記下很容易到問題時就忘記前面在說什麼了,因此推薦大家將演講中的關鍵字、主旨、論點等記錄下來




In the lecture, the speaker discusses…   在演講中,演講者討論到…

The speaker in the lecture talks about…  演講中演講者談論到…

According to the lecture…  根據演講…

As the lecture explains…正如演講所解釋的那樣…

In the academic speech, the presenter discusses…  在學術演講中,演講者討論…

The focus of the lecture is on… 演講的重點在於…



Topic:The benefits and drawbacks of using renewable energy sources

Good afternoon, and welcome to today’s lecture on the benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources. As we all know, renewable energy is a hot topic these days, with the need for reducing greenhouse gas emissions becoming more urgent. In this lecture, we will be taking a closer look at some of the most popular renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and discussing the potential benefits and challenges that come with using them.

First, let’s consider the benefits. One of the main advantages of renewable energy is that it is, well, renewable. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite resources, renewable energy sources can be replenished naturally over time. This means that as long as we continue to invest in these technologies, we should have access to a sustainable source of energy for generations to come.

However, as with any new technology, there are also challenges to overcome. One of the biggest challenges when it comes to renewable energy is the high upfront costs. Unlike fossil fuels, which are already well-established and have the infrastructure in place to support their use, renewable energy sources require significant investment in order to get up and running.

Another challenge is the intermittency of some renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. These sources are dependent on weather conditions, which can be unpredictable at times. As a result, it can be difficult to rely on them as a consistent source of energy.

Overall, while there are certainly challenges to overcome, the potential benefits of renewable energy make it an exciting and important area of research. By continuing to invest in these technologies, we can help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.


 Based on the lecture, what are some benefits and drawbacks of using renewable energy sources, and what are some challenges to their implementation?


According to the lecture, one benefit of using renewable energy sources like wind and solar power is that they can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are also drawbacks to using renewable energy sources. For instance, the high upfront costs of installing renewable energy systems can be a barrier to their implementation. Additionally, some renewable energy sources are intermittent, which means that they are not available all the time. This can be a challenge for meeting the energy needs of a community or industry.






  • 十分全面,涵蓋了托福考試所有所需,包括模擬試題、口語練習、寫作練習、閱讀理解
  • 提供即時評論與回饋,讓學生能夠馬上改進
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  • 手機、平板、電腦都能用讓大家走到哪練到哪


  • 口說方面,難以評估自己的表現仍舊需要專業老師來教導
  • 費用相對較高
  • 介面相對較複雜,需要一定的時間來適應。

托福口說學習資源推薦:WORD UP 


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  • 一站滿足所有所需

托福口說學習資源推薦: TOEFL iBT Test



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