『英文寫作指南』3 大英文作文技巧& 滿分英文寫作模板|4 招英文寫作練習方法

本系列文章,由「 WORD UP 聰明學習 」編輯審核。聰明學習專注於利用 AI 提升亞洲人的語言學習效率。


3 大英文寫作高分技巧 & 滿分英文作文架構推薦





原句:The dog chased the ball.

改變寫作結構:Chasing the ball, the dog ran across the field.

🚨:這個例子,將主詞和動詞的順序進行了調換,突出了「chasing the ball」在這句話中的重要性

改變寫作語法:Across the field ran the dog, chasing the ball.

🚨:這句將將主詞和動詞的位置進行了倒序排列,增加了句子的變化和節奏感,同時突顯了「across the field」這個場景的描述。



💡 問對特定議題、主題的個人觀點







題目為:Whether or not mandatory environmental education courses be implemented?


Environmental issues have become a pressing concern in today’s world, as we witness the adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation. In order to address these challenges, there is an ongoing debate on whether mandatory environmental education courses should be implemented in schools. This essay will explore the significance of this issue and the controversies surrounding it.



One perspective is that mandatory environmental education courses are essential for cultivating a sense of responsibility and awareness among students. By including such courses in the curriculum, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues and learn how their individual actions impact the planet. For example, countries like Finland and Sweden have successfully integrated environmental education into their school systems, leading to increased environmental awareness and sustainable practices among the younger generation. Additionally, studies have shown that students who receive environmental education are more likely to adopt eco-friendly behaviors and actively participate in environmental initiatives.



On the other hand, some argue that mandatory environmental education courses might burden an already overcrowded curriculum. Critics contend that the inclusion of such courses would reduce the time allocated to other subjects, potentially compromising the overall quality of education. Furthermore, they argue that environmental education should be incorporated into existing subjects rather than treated as a separate discipline. For instance, concepts related to the environment can be integrated into science, social studies, or even literature classes, ensuring a holistic approach to education without overburdening students and teachers.



While both perspectives have valid points, I believe that implementing mandatory environmental education courses is crucial in addressing the environmental challenges we face. By dedicating specific courses to environmental education, we can ensure a comprehensive and focused approach to instilling environmental values and knowledge. Such courses would provide students with the necessary tools to understand complex environmental issues, foster sustainable behaviors, and become active participants in environmental conservation efforts. While it is true that integrating environmental concepts into existing subjects is beneficial, it may not guarantee the same depth of understanding and commitment as a dedicated course would provide. Therefore, I firmly support the implementation of mandatory environmental education courses in schools.



In conclusion, the implementation of mandatory environmental education courses in schools is essential for equipping students with the knowledge and values necessary to address environmental challenges. While there are concerns about the curriculum’s workload, the benefits of a dedicated environmental education course outweigh these drawbacks. By nurturing environmentally conscious citizens from a young age, we can foster a sustainable mindset and create a generation that actively contributes to preserving our planet. Therefore, it is imperative that educational institutions recognize the importance of environmental education and take steps to incorporate it into their curriculum. 








題目給予你一篇關於 將 AI 應用於醫療的好處與問題可能會碰到的挑戰等


This essay explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. With advancements in technology, AI has gained prominence in the medical field, offering potential benefits and raising ethical considerations. This essay will delve into the applications of AI in healthcare, its potential advantages, and the ethical dilemmas associated with its implementation.



How does AI contribute to improved diagnosis and treatment in healthcare? AI algorithms have the capability to analyze vast amounts of medical data, aiding in the detection of diseases, identification of patterns, and prediction of outcomes. For instance, AI-based image recognition systems can assist radiologists in interpreting medical images more accurately and efficiently. How has AI impacted patient care and outcomes? AI-powered tools can provide personalized treatment recommendations based on individual patient data, leading to more precise and targeted interventions. Can AI improve healthcare accessibility? AI-enabled telemedicine platforms have the potential to bridge geographical barriers and provide remote healthcare services to underserved populations.



AI in healthcare has shown promising results in various domains. Machine learning algorithms can analyze electronic health records to identify early signs of diseases, enabling timely interventions. Natural language processing algorithms can extract relevant information from medical texts, facilitating knowledge discovery and literature review for healthcare professionals. Robotics and automation powered by AI have enhanced surgical precision and reduced human error. These advancements have the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.



However, the integration of AI in healthcare raises ethical concerns. How can patient privacy and data security be ensured in the era of AI? The use of sensitive health data for algorithm training and decision-making necessitates robust privacy protection measures. Additionally, the accountability and transparency of AI algorithms pose challenges, as their decision-making processes are often opaque. Ensuring fairness and preventing bias in AI algorithms is another critical ethical consideration that needs to be addressed.



In conclusion, AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by improving diagnosis, treatment, and accessibility. It offers opportunities for personalized medicine and more efficient healthcare delivery. However, ethical considerations surrounding privacy, transparency, and fairness need to be addressed to maximize the benefits of AI in healthcare. As technology continues to advance, striking a balance between innovation and ethical responsibility will be crucial for harnessing the full potential of AI in the medical field.



4 招英文寫作練習方法




舉例來說,如果寫作者關心環保問題,可以閱讀相關文章,如 “Global warming and its impact on the environment”,學習當中與環保相關的詞彙,如 carbon footprint, renewable energy, sustainable development等等,並且在自己的寫作中運用


語意連貫程度與寫作邏輯是否正確是英文寫作中最重要的事,建議大家可以透過結構化的寫作方式來幫助自己表達思想,如上一章節所推薦大家的 2 種寫作結構就能夠幫助大家解決英文寫作絕大部分的題目。









  • 首先,其次,最後(Firstly, secondly, finally)
  • 此外,同時(Furthermore, moreover)
  • 除此之外,此外,同樣地(In addition, similarly)
  • 然而,相反地(However, on the contrary)
  • 另一方面,與此同時(On the other hand, at the same time)
  • 因此,因而,結果(Therefore, thus, consequently)
  • 例如,比如(For example, for instance)



5 大英文寫作常犯錯誤



因此,在下方幫大家整理了 5 個英文常用的過渡詞

  • Therefore – 因此
  • However – 然而
  • In addition – 此外
  • Furthermore – 而且
  • Meanwhile – 同時




I love cooking; it’s one of my favorite things to do – I especially enjoy baking – but my kitchen is quite small, so I often have to improvise. Yesterday, I made a delicious apple pie – it turned out better than I expected – and I shared it with my friends; they loved it! However, I ran out of flour and sugar – I need to restock soon – and I also forgot to add cinnamon to the recipe.



文法與拼字錯誤會給閱讀者留下不良印象,認為你的程度不佳,在寫作中,建議多次校對和修改,避免這些錯誤,練習時也可以使用一些文法和拼字校正軟體,像是 Grammarly 和 Ginger 等等。



2023 最新好評英文寫作課程推薦:英文寫作 30 招|簡單文法也能寫出高分作文



  • 30 個寫作技巧讓你用最簡單的文法寫出高分作文
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  • 搭配 app 使用,走到哪練到哪
  • 單字卡、練習題一應俱全


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