『片語』英文片語大全|動詞片語、50 個生活常用&多益英文片語一次看!

本系列文章,由「 WORD UP 聰明學習 」編輯審核。聰明學習專注於利用 AI 提升亞洲人的語言學習效率。


片語乍聽之下可能讓人十分的困惑,以為是什麼高深的知識,但其實英文片語是由兩個或更多單字所組成的短語句,這兩個單字結合所形成的意義與單字本身不同,英文片語在英語中極為常見,並在日常交流和寫作中扮演著重要角色。它們包含慣用用法和習慣用語,在本篇會替大家介紹大家最常有疑問的動詞片語以及整理生活常用英文片語、多益片語、學測片語等,趕快看下去吧,除此之外,WORD UP 在先前也撰寫了小吃英文生活英文等文章,有興趣的人,也可以點擊來看呦!





go away離開fall asleep入睡
wake up醒來break up分手
stand up 站起來show up露面
sit down 坐下get in進入
come back 回來give in屈服



take care of 照顧write a letter寫信
make a decision 做決定eat lunch吃午餐
have a shower 洗澡play a game 玩遊戲
give someone a hand 幫助某人watch a movie看電影
bring up 提及read a book讀書



turn on打開set up建立
pick up撿起look after照顧
put off延後give back歸還
take off脫掉run into碰到
break down故障get away逃離



arrive at抵達deal with處理
believe in相信consist of由...組成
care about在乎result in導致
depend on依賴fit in適應
agree with同意rely on依靠



look forward to期待go through經歷
give up on放棄put up with忍受
get along with與...相處run out of用光
take advantage of利用break out爆發
come up with想出look down on看不起

50 個生活常用英文片語

Keep in touch保持聯繫Let's keep in touch after you move to another city.
Break the ice打破冷場Playing a game can help break the ice at parties.
Hit the hay上床睡覺It's late; I need to hit the hay.
Break a leg祝好運Break a leg in your performance tonight!
Hang out出去玩 We can hang out at the park tomorrow.
Bite the bullet咬緊牙關Despite the challenges, we need to bite the bullet and face them.
Hit the road出發It's time to hit the road for our vacation.
Cut to the chase言歸正傳 Let's cut to the chase and discuss the main issue.
Get the hang of熟練掌握With practice, you'll get the hang of playing the guitar.
Jump the gun行動過早Don't jump the gun; wait for the right moment.
Make up one's mind做出決定 You need to make up your mind about which college to attend.
Turn a blind eye視而不見 The teacher turned a blind eye to the students' mischief.
Blow off steam釋放壓力After a tough day, I like to blow off steam by going for a run.
Let the cat out of the bag洩露秘密John accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.
Burn the midnight oil開夜車I have an exam tomorrow, so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight.
Miss the boat錯失良機I missed the boat on buying tickets; they're all sold out.
Call it a day收工It's been a long day; let's call it a day and go home.
Paint the town red狂歡作樂We're going to paint the town red on our girls' night out.
Come rain or shine無論風雨We'll have a picnic tomorrow, come rain or shine.
Pay the price付出代價If you don't study, you'll pay the price on the test.
Cut corners走捷徑Don't cut corners when doing your homework; do it properly.
Play it by ear隨機應變We don't have a strict plan; we'll play it by ear on our trip.
Face the music面對現實You made a mistake; now it's time to face the music.
Pull someone's leg開某人的玩笑Are you serious, or are you just pulling my leg?
Get on someone's nerves激怒某人His constant talking gets on my nerves.
Put all one's eggs in one basket孤注一擲Don't invest all your money in one stock; it's like putting all your eggs in one basket.
Get out of hand失控The party got out of hand, and the neighbors complained.
Put one's foot in one's mouth說錯話I put my foot in my mouth by accidentally insulting her.
Get over it克服、忘記 It's time to get over the breakup and move on.
Ring a bell聽起來耳熟Does the name Jane Smith ring a bell?
Go the extra mile額外努力If you want a promotion, you need to go the extra mile at work.
Rule of thumb經驗法則As a rule of thumb, it's better to start early on big projects.
Keep an eye on密切注意Please keep an eye on my bag while I use the restroom.
Take a rain check改天再說I can't join you today, but can I take a rain check?
Keep one's fingers crossed祈求好運I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to win the competition.
Take it easy放輕鬆 After a busy week, I plan to take it easy on the weekend.
Leave no stone unturned不遺餘力We will leave no stone unturned in finding the lost dog.
Take the plunge下定決心I decided to take the plunge and start my own business.
Let sleeping dogs lie別惹麻煩The issue is resolved, so let's let sleeping dogs lie.
Walk on eggshells小心翼翼Around her, you have to walk on eggshells; she's easily upset.
Look on the bright side從好的一面看Even in tough times, try to look on the bright side of things.
Wrap one's head around理解It's challenging to wrap my head around this complex math problem.
Make a long story short簡而言之To make a long story short, we missed the train and had to take a taxi.
You're welcome不客氣 "Thank you for helping me." "You're welcome!"
Hit the spot正中要害After a long hike, the cold drink really hit the spot.
You bet當然Can you help me with this?" "You bet!"
It's a piece of cake輕而易舉With your experience, this task will be a piece of cake.
Zip it閉嘴When you're talking too much, someone might tell you to "zip it."
Make someone's day使某人開心Your compliment made my day; thank you!
Catch some Z's睡覺I'm exhausted; I need to catch some Z's.

20 個多益片語 & 例句

Break the ice打破冷場The host tried to break the ice by telling a joke.
Keep up with跟上It's important to keep up with the latest trends in the industry.
Take it easy放輕鬆After a stressful day at work, I like to take it easy and relax.
Get the hang of熟練掌握It took me some time, but I finally got the hang of using the new software.
Call it a day收工We've been working for hours; let's call it a day and continue tomorrow.
Put off延後The meeting has been put off until next week due to scheduling conflicts.
Look forward to期待I'm looking forward to the company's annual party; it's always a fun event.
Give up放棄Don't give up on your dreams; keep working hard to achieve them.
Come up with想出The team needs to come up with a creative solution to the problem.
Get along with和...相處融洽Sarah gets along well with her coworkers, and they enjoy working together.
Look into調查The manager will look into the customer's complaint and resolve the issue.
Go over檢查、複習Let's go over the presentation one more time before the meeting.
Take advantage of利用You should take advantage of the discount and buy the products now.
Turn down拒絕They turned down the job offer because the salary wasn't competitive.
Break a record打破紀錄The athlete broke a new record in the 100-meter sprint.
Keep an eye on密切注意Please keep an eye on the clock; we need to finish before the deadline.
Fill in for代替Sarah will fill in for her colleague while he's on vacation.
Run out of用光、耗盡 We ran out of printer ink, so we need to buy some more.
Go through經歷The company is going through a restructuring process to improve efficiency.
Hang out with與...一起消遣I like to hang out with my friends at the local café on weekends.

好課推薦:Chris 的記憶連結工具箱|8 小時學習英文單字核心力


相信大家在看完本篇文後知道了英文片語是由一群單字所組成的,因此,背單字會成為最重要的基本功,那麼如果一直背了又忘該怎麼辦呢?別擔心Chris 的記憶連結工具箱|8 小時學習英文單字核心力用 10 種記憶工具讓你一定記得住


  • 10 種記憶工具幫你輕鬆學習背英文單字
  • 帶你走過英文單字的學習流程,上完課就記得 80%
  • 達成指定目標,發 500 元獎勵金
  • 拒絕硬碰硬,背不同單字要用不同 「記憶工具」
  • 精心設計單字例句,有效連結多種字義
  • 教你如何挑選學習英文單字的素材
  • 推薦你適合學習英文單字的教材


  • 學習英文單字總是死背,而容易忘記的人
  • 不知道怎麼運用英文單字的人
  • 想增進英文單字量,卻不知該如何下手的人
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