『政治英文』選票英文、參選英文怎麼說?30 個選舉英文單字片語例句用法一次看!

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四年一次的總統選舉即將來臨,報章雜誌媒體都充斥著相關的報導,那麼你知道要如何用英文聊選舉嗎,別擔心在本篇 WORD UP 替大家整理出 20 個談到選舉一定會說到的選舉英文單字,像是選票英文、參選英文等等,以及 10 個選舉片語,趕快看下去吧!除此之外,在先前也有撰寫英文自我介紹中秋節英文英文諺語等文章,趕快看下去吧!

20 個超常用選舉英文單字、例句

選舉英文:Election – 選舉

例句:The presidential election will take place next month.


候選人英文:Candidate – 候選人

例句:There are several candidates running for mayor in this election.


選舉英文:Voter – 選民

例句:All registered voters are eligible to participate in the election.


選票英文:Ballot – 選票

例句:Please cast your vote by marking your choice on the ballot.


選舉英文:Campaign – 競選活動

例句:The candidate’s campaign focused on issues like healthcare and education.


選舉英文單字:Polling Station – 投票所

例句:Make sure to visit your assigned polling station on election day.


選舉英文單字:Constituency – 選區

例句:This candidate has strong support within his constituency.


政黨英文:Political Party – 政黨

例句:The two major political parties are competing fiercely in this election.


選舉英文單字:Platform- (競選) 宣言

例句:The candidate outlined his party’s platform during a campaign speech.


政治英文:Incumbent – 現任者

例句:The incumbent president is seeking re-election for a second term.


選舉英文單字:Debate – 辯論

例句:The candidates engaged in a heated debate on live television.


選舉英文:Poll – 民意調查

例句:The latest poll suggests a close race between the two leading candidates.


政治英文單字:Primary – 初選

例句:The primary elections are used to determine each party’s official candidate.


選舉英文單字:Turnout – 投票率

例句:The high voter turnout indicated a strong interest in this election.

議員英文:City councilor – 議員

例句:The city councilor proposed a new initiative to improve public transportation and reduce traffic congestion in the urban area.


選舉英文單字:Campaign Finance – 競選資金

例句:Stricter regulations were put in place to monitor campaign finance contributions.


選舉英文:Electoral Fraud – 選舉舞弊

例句:The authorities are investigating allegations of electoral fraud during the election.


參選英文:Run for election – 參選

例句:The charismatic leader announced his intention to run for election as the country’s next prime minister.


政治英文單字:Legislator/ Member of Parliament – 立委

例句:The legislator proposed a new bill to improve healthcare services in the region.


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10 個選舉英文片語

選舉英文:Get out the vote – 動員投票/ 催票

例句:The campaign team is working hard to get out the vote on election day.

政治英文:Swing the vote – 影響投票傾向

例句:The candidate’s strong debate performance could swing the vote in their favor.


政治英文:Rally the base – 凝聚支持者

例句:The legislator held a rally to rally the base and boost enthusiasm.


參選英文:Throw one’s hat in the ring – 參選

例句:She decided to throw her hat in the ring and run for city council.


選舉英文:Win by a landslide – 壓倒性勝利

例句:The incumbent president won by a landslide in the recent election.


選舉英文:Behind in the polls – 在民意調查中落後

例句 :The candidate is currently behind in the polls but hopes to catch up.


選舉英文:The home stretch – 競選最後階段

例句:As the election enters the home stretch, candidates intensify their efforts.


選舉英文:Political spectrum -政治光譜

例句:The views of citizens often span a wide range on the political spectrum.


選舉英文:Public Policy – 公共政策

例句:Public policy decisions can significantly impact the lives of citizens.


政治英文:Last-minute push – 最後時刻的努力

例句:The campaign team made a last-minute push to encourage voter turnout.

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