『節日英文』10 個必備中秋節英文單字、例句|中秋節英文介紹

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一年一度的中秋節又要到了,你知道要如何用英文說中秋節嗎?在本篇 WORD UP 替大家整理出 20 個中秋節相關必備英文單字,學會這些就可以流暢地和別人聊中秋,趕快看下去吧!除此之外,在先前也有撰寫 20 個超常用英文諺語10 大常見英文搭配詞因為英文用法 等文章,趕快看下去吧!

10 個必備中秋節英文單字

中秋節的英文:Mid-Autumn Festival/ Moon Festival

Mid 當成字首有『在…中間』,因此在秋天的中間,就組成了中秋節


We gather with family and friends to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, enjoying mooncakes and appreciating the beauty of the full moon.


中秋節英文單字:Mooncake – 月餅


  • Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake(蓮蓉月餅)
  • Red Bean Paste Mooncake(紅豆月餅)
  • Salted Egg Yolk Mooncake(蛋黃月餅)
  • Jujube Paste Mooncake(棗泥月餅)
  • Snow Skin Mooncake(冰皮月餅)


During the Mid-Autumn Festival, it’s customary to exchange beautifully crafted mooncakes as a gesture of well-wishing and gratitude.


中秋英文:Lantern – 燈籠

大家在中秋節時習慣點起燈籠來象徵希望 (hope) 和團結 (unity)


Children carry colorful lanterns and parade through the streets during the Mid-Autumn Festival, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere.


中秋節英文:Reunion – 團圓


The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time of reunion, where family members who may live far apart gather to share a special meal and create lasting memories.


中秋英文:Full Moon – 滿月


The sight of the full moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival is mesmerizing, and it adds to the magical atmosphere of the celebration.


中秋英文:Harvest – 豐收


The Mid-Autumn Festival not only marks the full moon but also celebrates the harvest season, making it a time of thanksgiving for the abundance of nature.


中秋節英文:Gaze at the Moon – 賞月


As night falls, families gather in their gardens to gaze at the moon, sharing stories and appreciating the beauty of the celestial body.


中秋英文:Jade Rabbit – 玉兔


Children love to hear stories about the Jade Rabbit while celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it adds an element of wonder to the festivities.


中秋節英文:Incense – 香


Families light incense as an offering to their ancestors during the Mid-Autumn Festival, paying respect to their heritage and lineage.


中秋快樂英文:Happy Mid-Autumn


Sending warm wishes for a Happy Mid-Autumn! May your celebrations be bright and your heart be full.



當大家遇到外國人想要用英文來介紹中秋節時要如何介紹呢?不妨參考 WORD UP 替你準備的模板吧

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. This festival holds a special place in Chinese culture as it symbolizes unity, family reunions, and gratitude for the harvest. One of the most iconic elements of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the full moon, which is believed to be the brightest and most beautiful during this time.


Families gather together to celebrate this occasion with feasts, cultural performances, and various activities. Sharing mooncakes is an essential tradition during the festival. These round pastries come in a variety of flavors, such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and even modern variations like ice cream. Lanterns of different shapes and sizes light up the night, creating a magical atmosphere. People young and old stroll through parks and public spaces, admiring the colorful lantern displays.


 It’s a time to appreciate the beauty of the moon, express gratitude for family bonds, and continue the rich traditions that have been passed down through generations.


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