1. China is introducing a sweeping national security law for Hong Kong that has sparked protest, fear and controversy in the semi-autonomous city. Critics say the law marks an erosion of the city’s precious civil and political freedoms; the Chinese and local governments argue it’s necessary to curb unrest and uphold mainland sovereignty.
(中國正在為香港引入全面的國家安全法,該法律在這個半自治城市引發了抗議,恐懼和爭議。 批評人士說,這條法律代表香港寶貴的公民和政治自由的侵蝕; 而中國和地方政府則認為有必要遏制動亂並維護大陸主權。)
controversy (n.) 爭議;爭論;爭辯
- 同義字:argument, dispute
- 補充用法:a controversy surrounding/over + 事 對於某事產生的爭議
erosion (n.) 削弱;逐步的破壞
- 同義字:corroding, crumbling
sovereignty (n.) 主權,統治權
- 同義字:supremacy
- 補充用法:國家 + has/have sovereignty over + 地區 某國對某地有統治權
2. While Hong Kong has an independent legal system, a back door in its mini-constitution allows Beijing to make law in the city — meaning there’s not much the Hong Kong public or leadership can do about it.
constitution (n.) 憲法;章程
- 補充用法:the Constitution of the United States《美國憲法》
3. Under this proposed law, criminal offenses will include secession, subversion against the central Chinese government, terrorist activities, and collusion with foreign forces to endanger national security.
secession (n.) 分離,脫離
subversion (n.) 破壞,顛覆
collusion (n.) 勾結,共謀
4. Under the proposed law:
- Beijing will establish a national security office, staffed by mainland security services to supervise local authorities in policing the law.
- Hong Kong’s top official will pick which judges hear national security cases, jeopardizing the city’s independent judiciary.
- Mainland Chinese authorities can “exercise jurisdiction” over cases in special circumstances, meaning certain crimes in Hong Kong could result in trials on the mainland.
- The city will set up a national security commission, with a Beijing-appointed adviser and operating under “the supervision of the central government.”
- The bill trumps local laws. If there is a conflict with existing Hong Kong law, the national security law prevails.
- 北京將建立一個由內地安全部門組成的國家安全辦公室,以監督地方當局維護法律。
- 香港高級官員將挑選哪些法官來審理國家安全案件,這將危害香港的獨立司法機構。
- 中國大陸當局可以在特殊情況下對案件進行「行使管轄權」,這意味著香港的某些犯罪行為可能會在大陸進行審判。
- 該市將成立國家安全委員會,由北京任命的顧問,並在「中央政府的監督下」運作。
- 該法案勝過當地法律。 如果與現有的香港法律有衝突,以國家安全法為準。)
judiciary (n.) 司法機構
jurisdiction (n.) 管轄權
5. There’s still a lot we don’t know. Much of the drafting process happens behind closed doors, and there has been no public consultation on the bill — even Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, the city’s top official, said she hasn’t seen the “complete details.”
(還有很多我們不知道的地方。 起草過程大部分是秘密進行的,而且還沒有就該法案進行公眾諮詢,甚至香港行政長官林鄭月娥也表示,她還沒有看到「完整細節」。)
drafting (n.) 起草
consultation (n.) 諮詢
香港的議題始終沒有落幕,中國政府的每一個動作都引起全世界的關注,香港地區的法治與自由又會走向什麼樣的方向,這些都仍是未知數,只希望前陣子那樣的流血衝突不要再次上演。Let’s keep our fingers crossed for Hong Kong.
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