雅思閱讀是許多人始終無法克服的一道高牆,一直刷題卻無法有所提升,別擔心!在本篇 WORD UP 替大家準備了 8 個高效率雅思閱讀技巧,並且一一分析了雅思閱讀裡各種題型提供範例與答題技巧,最後為大家整理了 4 個免費雅思題庫供大家使用,趕快看下去吧!除此之外,在先前也有撰寫雅思聽力、雅思口說攻略、雅思寫作指南等文章,有需要的人也歡迎點開來看呦!
雅思閱讀測驗總共考 40 題 60 分鐘,閱讀測驗包括三篇文章,每篇文章都有一套問題。文章來自學術或一般感興趣的來源,旨在測試理解主要觀點、細節和隱含含義的能力。測試還評估認識思想之間的關係、解釋信息和理解作者目的的能力,文章可能會從報紙、廣告、指南或小說等日常生活場景中選擇。
雅思閱讀總共分為 9 種題型
- 學術組:在 3 篇接近 1,000 字左右的長篇文章中透過以下題型來測驗學生能否在長篇幅文字中快速找到重點。
- 一般訓練組: 3~6 段短篇文章,考題取材來自廣告、公告欄、手冊簡介等文字內容測驗學生是否具備理解文意的能力。
- 配對題 2. 填空題 3. 是 / 非 / 無答案題 4.單選題 5. 多選題 6. 填充題 7. 標題對應題 8. 簡答題 9. 填圖填表題
The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
Social media has become a ubiquitous part of modern life. While it provides many benefits, such as the ability to connect with others and share information, there are concerns about its impact on mental health. This reading passage examines the effects of social media on mental health and well-being.
Reading Passage
Part 1: The Negative Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
Social media can have a negative impact on mental health in several ways. One way is through social comparison. People often compare their lives to the carefully curated versions of others that they see on social media, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. In addition, social media use can disrupt sleep patterns, which can have a negative impact on mental health. Finally, social media use has been linked to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
Part 2: The Positive Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
Despite the negative effects of social media, it can also have positive effects on mental health. One way is through social support. Social media provides a platform for people to connect with others who are going through similar experiences, which can help reduce feelings of isolation and increase feelings of support. In addition, social media can provide a source of inspiration and motivation, which can have a positive impact on mental health. Finally, social media can be used as a tool for self-expression and creativity, which can promote a sense of well-being.
1.What are some negative effects of social media on mental health?
2.How can social media have a positive impact on mental health?
3.What is social comparison and how does it relate to social media use?
Step 1. 確認問題的要求
例如,問題要求解釋什麼是社交比較,可以先找出文章中與社交比較相關的段落,如 Part 1 中提到人們會與社交媒體上呈現的別人的生活進行比較,這可以幫助回答問題。
Step 2. 使用摘要答案的技巧
Step 3. 使用推理技巧
1.Social media use has been linked to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, disrupted sleep patterns, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
2.Social media can have a positive impact on mental health through social support, inspiration, motivation, self-expression, and creativity.
3.Social comparison is the tendency to compare oneself to others. On social media, people often compare their lives to the carefully curated versions of others, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
了解到雅思閱讀是如何出題,題型長怎樣,要如何解題之後,還是要回歸到基本功,該如何準備雅思閱讀,在下一段替大家整理出 8 大獨門的閱讀技巧供大家參考!
8 大雅思閱讀獨門技巧
在閱讀之前,先花時間掃視文章和問題,以確定關鍵詞和主題,在一篇關於全球氣候變化的文章中,問題可能包括氣候變化的影響、政策和解決方案等。舉例來說,What are some of the potential consequences of global climate change? According to the passage, what are some of the key factors contributing to the increase in global temperatures? 就可能會出現在閱讀題組中
- 比較和對比:similarly, likewise, in comparison, on the other hand, whereas, different from, in contrast, both, either, neither, similarly, likewise, compared to, just as, similarly to, the same as, as opposed to
- 因果關係:because, since, as a result, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, due to, owing to, for this reason, so that, as a consequence, result in, lead to, trigger, cause, effect, impact, influence
- 問題解決:solve, address, tackle, resolve, fix, overcome, cope with, deal with, handle, sort out, remedy, rectify, alleviate, mitigate, manage, confront, face
在回答問題時,仔細閱讀每個選項,確保了解問題的要求,然後選擇最符合要求的答案。例如,在一道有關全球氣候變化的問題中,問題可能是:”What is the main cause of global climate change?” ”選項可能包括 atmospheric pollution, changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, and greenhouse gas emissions. 正確答案是greenhouse gas emissions。
在閱讀文章時,注意同義詞和反義詞,以便更好地理解文章和回答問題。例如,在一篇有關環保的文章中,文章可能使用“protecting the environment ”和“reducing pollution”等詞語來表示相同的含義。
巨大的 / 龐大的:enormous / massive
緊急的 / 立即的:urgent / immediate
難題 / 挑戰:dilemma / challenge
確定 / 肯定:certain / positive
停止 / 中斷:cease / interrupt
同意/拒絕:Accept / Reject
放大/縮小:Expand / Contract
無可避免的/可避免的Inevitable / Avoidable
有利的/ 不利的: Advantageous / Disadvantageous
一致的/不一致的:Consistent /Inconsistent
當你遇到一個不熟悉的單字時,可以從上下文中的其他單字和句子來猜測它的意思。例如,在下列這句句子中,我們可以透過上下文猜測出 “conflict” 的意思:
“The two nations are in conflict over the disputed territory.”
在這個句子中,”conflict” 與 “disputed territory” 相關,因此我們可以推測出 “conflict” 意指爭議或衝突。這樣的方法可以協助你加深對文章內容的理解。
在了解雅思閱讀技巧後,大家常有的疑問便是,那要用什麼平台或資源來學習才能最快最有效呢?別煩惱!以下替大家推薦了 4 個最好用的雅思聽力學習資源!
4 大雅思閱讀學習資源
IELTS Podcast
IELTS Podcast 提供了大量的雅思閱讀練習,其中包括模擬試題,專家建議,策略和技巧。該播客節目還包括解決雅思閱讀常見問題的技巧,例如快速閱讀技巧,關鍵詞辨識,推理和摘要策略等。它們的播客節目充滿了練習雅思閱讀所需的各種技能和信息,因此,學習者可以通過聆聽它們來提高他們的閱讀能力和技能。
Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS
Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS是最受歡迎的雅思考試題庫之一。它提供了一系列題目,類型和難度級別與實際的雅思閱讀考試題目相當,這使學習者能夠熟悉考試形式、考試難度和測試要求。此外,它還提供了詳細的答案解析,這些解析幫助學習者了解如何解決不同類型的問題。
IELTS Liz 是一個全面的網站,提供各種雅思測試學習資源。該網站包括閱讀部分的免費課程、練習測驗和學習技巧,它的優勢在於其課程易於理解,以簡明扼要的方式呈現。
大家在準備多益時常常碰到的困境就是買了很厚重的參考書,但沒空坐下來好好看,或是當想要好好讀書時卻忘了帶這些參考書, WORD UP 替大家把紙本書搬到手機 APP 上,讓大家可以走到哪學到哪,除了 app 以外,WORD UP 也提供功能完整的網站版本。兩邊的進度都是同步的,當大家手邊有電腦平板等等也可以換到上面會更加舒服!除此之外,它還提供客製化單字卡、
題目練習系統 (讀完後馬上練習,現場驗收成果)、錯題分析系統 (練習後一鍵幫你抓出錯做錯的題目練習,還能抓出錯 1 次、2次、任意次數的錯題,提升準備效率),最後也跟上潮流運用A.I 演算法透過你的學習狀況,自動抓出你需要的單字