中英對照 – 我要去 紐西蘭 ! 十二個紐西蘭必訪景點

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紐西蘭 12個必訪景點 中英對照封面

看著朋友去 紐西蘭 玩PO美照,或是看過魔戒三部曲,總是被 紐西蘭 的美景驚艷嗎? 魔戒迷一定懂魔戒電影裡那壯闊且令人讚嘆的場景有多吸引人,如果你想遠離塵囂計畫一個自我充電的旅行,也許 紐西蘭 是一個很好的選擇!想像走入原始森林般的步道享受芬多精,這樣的行程或許走上一天都不會累吧;沐浴在美景中讓心靈沉澱,看著壯麗的景色好像所有的煩惱都飄走了呢!CNN Travel整理出十二個紐西蘭珍貴的私房景點,讓你不用總是去遊客爆多的旅遊景點人擠人,卻能在地深度體驗紐西蘭的絕美景點,十二個景點都幫你列出來了,看完文章你還不衝一波嗎?

Auckland 奧克蘭

Auckland 奧克蘭

(圖片來源:Tourism New Zealand)

There’s lots to see and do in New Zealand’s biggest and most culturally diverse city.

The ‘City of Sails’ sprawls around more than 40 volcanic cones and is surrounded by the island-strewn Hauraki Gulf.

Auckland has a metropolitan vibe, but it’s also blessed with bountiful beaches, parks and places to get away from it all.

When you need a break from the hustle and bustle, walk to the top of Maungakiekie (Mt Eden). Here, just 5km from the CBD, you will enjoy panoramic views from the city’s highest volcanic cone while sheep graze peacefully nearby.

Bonus trip: Make sure you include a trip to Waiheke Island — just 40 minutes from the terminal in Auckland -l- for a complete change of pace. Waiheke is home to idyllic beaches, bushwalking trails and 20-odd vineyards.






Marlborough Sounds馬爾堡峽灣

Marlborough Sounds馬爾堡峽灣

(圖片來源:Tourism New Zealand)

This intricate web of sheltered waterways accounts for 20 percent of New Zealand’s total coastline. The three distinct waterways, Queen Charlotte, Kenepuru and Pelorus Sounds, formed from sunken river valleys that were flooded in the last Ice Age.

There are more than 50 reserves in this scenic playground — pick up a kayak, fishing charter or relaxing boat ride to appreciate them fully.

The Marlborough region produces nearly 80 percent of the country’s wine (particularly sauvignon blanc) and there are nearly 40 wineries to choose from.

Don’t miss: The 70 km (44 mile) Queen Charlotte Track gives you the chance to experience the best of the area’s history, scenic delights and cuisine, either on foot or by bike.





Milford Sound + Fiordland 米爾福德峽灣 + 菲奧德蘭

Milford Sound + Fiordland 米爾福德峽灣 + 菲奧德蘭


The South Island has no shortage of incredible scenery, but Milford Sound and Fiordland are something else.

Milford Sound, a fiord carved by Ice Age glaciers, is the jewel of Fiordland National Park, a 1.2 million hectare wonderland encompassing mountains, lakes, fiords and rainforests. Rudyard Kipling called it the ‘eighth wonder of the world.’

The scenery here is on such a super-sized scale — towering cliffs, cascading waterfalls, seemingly bottomless waterways — that you’d be forgiven for thinking it was some kind of computer-generated trickery.



閱讀CNN Travel原文:


🌟 Diverse 多種多樣的,形形色色的

[例句] New York is a very culturally diverse city.

[中譯] 紐約是一個在文化方面十分多元化的城市。


🌟 Sprawl (尤指城市)雜亂無序地擴展,散亂地延伸

[例句] The refugee camps sprawl across the landscape.

[中譯] 眼前雜亂地散落著許多難民營。


🌟 Metropolitan 大都市的

[例句] He was drawn to the metropolitan glamour and excitement of Paris.

[中譯] 他為巴黎的大都會魅力與激情所吸引。


🌟 Panoramic 全景的,全貌的

[例句] The investigation revealed the panoramic details of corruption and illegal dealings.

[中譯] 調查員揭露了貪污跟違法交易的全貌。


🌟 Graze 吃草;放牧

[例句] The cows were grazing.

[中譯] 乳牛在吃草。


🌟 Intricate 錯綜複雜的;複雜精細的

[例句] Police officers uncovered an intricate web of deceit.

[中譯] 警官揭開了一整套錯綜複雜的騙局。


🌟 Sunken 低窪的,下陷的

[例句] It was a luxurious bathroom, with a sunken bath.

[中譯] 那是一個豪華的浴室,裡面有一個下沉式浴缸。


🌟 Winery 釀酒廠

[例句] This winery is famous for the production of sauvignon blanc.

[中譯] 這個酒廠以製造白蘇維濃聞名。


🌟 Encompass 包含,包括(尤指很多不同事物)

[例句] The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.

[中譯] 本屆文化節將涵蓋從音樂、戲劇、芭蕾到文學、電影、視覺藝術等各種藝術形式。


🌟 Fiord 峽灣

[例句] Norway is blessed with bountiful fiords.

[中譯] 挪威有許多峽灣。

(例句來源:Cambridge Dictionary)

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